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12 Great Ways to Make Money in College

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Great Ways to Make Money in College

College can seem like a giant contradiction at times. On one hand you are trying to get really good grades and study for what feels like more hours than you have available in a single day. But university life is also the first time you are on your own as an adult. And that means that rent, food, and other bills that have got to get paid. So with as little trouble as possible, how are you supposed to find ways to make money in college that won’t compromise both?

Looking for Good Ways to Make Money in College:

Believe it or not, this is probably your first real-life lesson as to what making income on the side is all about!

Even though this may be the first time you’re trying to make money while focusing on something else, it certainly won’t be the last. All throughout your career you’re going to be faced with juggling life and other activities in addition to your career. And some of those other activities may wind up being big passive income opportunities that make you very wealthy some day.

But that’s for later on. Here and now, you’re at university and you need some cash!

I think the main thing to keep in mid while you’re trying to make money at college is to find any work you can do that is flexible. Your studies are the most important thing because they are what will lead to your degree and ultimately earning way more income. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer or starve. There are still plenty of ways to make money in college that don’t involve your full attention or every ounce of energy.

Here are a few you can start on right away.

1. Part-Time Job

A part time job is the classic way to earn money while you’re college. But where you can make this work for you is to make it as easy or beneficial to you as possible. Get something on campus or within walking distance to where you live. If you’re especially strategic, you’ll pick something that meshes well with your major and will look good on your resume later when you graduate.

2. Mystery Shopper

Do you like to shop? Believe it or not you could get paid for it. Market research companies need people to shop at certain locations and evaluate the performance of the establishment. That way they will know how to improve their service.

3. Give Blood

Although it’s not a lot of money, giving blood (or plasma) is always one of the easiest ways to make money in college. Your body is always making more! Plus not only will you be potentially helping others, but it is always in high demand.

4. Sell Things on the Internet:

When you’re done with your books, notes, or even your lab supplies, sell them over the internet. Use well known sites like Amazon, eBay, or Craig’s List.

5. Tutor

Who doesn’t need help with math or physics every now and again? If you know a subject well enough to explain it and have a good sense of patience, then you could earn some good money helping others with their studies.

6. Play Music

College towns are full of good places to go and listen to music. But for that to happen, they need talented people who can perform well. If you know how to play and/or sing, then you could make upwards of a few hundred dollars per show. That’s not bad for only a few hours worth of work.

7. Stock Photography

Just like how you are probably going on the internet looking for good photos to use in your projects, there are professionals doing the same thing for their own pursuits. Upload your photos to a site like and make a little money off your photography skills by licensing them as stock images. Each time someone does, your revenue will add up.

8. Sell Your tickets

Almost all universities offer a discount to their students for sporting events. So even if you don’t plan to go (or don’t even care about sports), you could still buy the tickets only to sell them later on a website like Depending on the demand, you could make as much as 10x what you paid for them!

9. Help People Move

Who wouldn’t want a couple of young, spry gentlemen to help them move around heavy furniture and boxes. The popular TV show Shark Tank featured a business called College Hunks that was built around the business model of young, strong college men helping people to move.

10.Cash Back Programs

Just starting to use a credit card? Make sure it’s one that rewards you for every purchase you make. Even if you get 5% cash back, just think of how much you’d make for simply using it to purchase your books or even your tuition.


Believe it or not, a lot of profitable bloggers and website builders are nothing more than young adults in college. Don’t believe me? Check out the story of young Tung Tran who built a niche website and sold it 6 months later making $12,000! Plenty of other ones have figured out how to easily publish their thoughts, build an audience, and then attract advertisers who will be willing to pay them real money for placing ads on their site. Not only can you start a free site using WordPress or Blogger, but you can also sign up for free advertising using services like Google Adsense or Amazon Affiliates.

12.Freelance Writing

You’ve already got to write for essays and reports. So why not make some money while you’re at it? Freelance writing has become one of the most popular ways to make money in college because it’s very easy to acquire jobs. All you need to do is simply log on to a site like oDesk or Elance and apply for several jobs at a time. In no time you could be earning a few hundred dollars per week depending on how many projects you have time for.

Carolina Hi, I'm Carolina and I am a fan of anime (especially the slice of life genre), music, and writing. Thank you for visiting my website. I hope that my blog will provide value and benefits to all those who read it.

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